Cobasi Av. do Contorno: 认识米纳斯吉拉斯州首府的新商店

Cobasi Av. do Contorno: 认识米纳斯吉拉斯州首府的新商店
William Santos

我们已经达到了米纳斯吉拉斯州的第五个单位!A Cobasi Av. do Contorno 汇集了日常宠物、家庭和花园护理的最佳产品。

See_also: 狗能吃木瓜吗? 找出答案!

此外,它也是宠物和自然爱好者与家人一起散步的完美场所!Cobasi在贝洛奥里藏特的新店位于 Avenida do Contorno, 3447, Santa Efigênia in Belo Horizonte. 来看看这个新单位吧!

See_also: 狗能吃阿萨伊果吗?

为了庆祝你附近的另一家Cobasi商店开业,我们准备了另一个惊喜:每个到店的人都将赢得 购买时可享受10%的折扣 只需出示下面的凭证(*)。

Cobasi Av. do Contorno内部


对于那些一直寻求提供最佳日常护理的监护人来说,Cobasi Av. do Contorno有最好的狗粮、猫粮、跳蚤和驱虫产品品牌。


悠闲地穿过走廊,了解国内和进口品牌,以及只有Cobasi才有的独家产品。 所有这些都被分为狗、猫、鸟、啮齿动物、鱼等部门。



在Cobasi Av. do Contorno,我们有一个专门用于园艺的区域,在那里你可以保证对你的花园进行最好的照顾。 其中:

  • 肥料;
  • 泥土和装饰性石头;
  • 花瓶和贮藏罐。

再走几步,你就会看到清洁产品和物品,以及家庭组织的一切。 家的温暖和关怀是必不可少的,甜蜜的家!

植物、花盆、肥料和照顾花园所需的一切。 来访问Cobasi Av do Contorno,购买时可获得10%的折扣。 限时销售!访问Cobasi的饲料部门。 质量和不可错过的价格。 在Cobasi的药房,你可以找到你的宠物所需的药物。 在Cobasi Av do Contorno,你可以找到猫狗所需的一切、兔子和更多。




来参观位于贝洛奥里藏特 Contorno的Cobasi新单位,带着家人来享受这100%的宠物友好之旅。 如果你愿意,你可以在网上购买我们的宠物商店,并在当天取货。 我们期待着你的到来!

Cobasi Av. do Contorno - Belo Horizonte

地址: Avenida do Contorno, 3447 - Santa Efigênia, Belo Horizonte - MG, 301100-17

时间安排: 周一至周六 - 8时至21时45分/周日和银行假日 - 9时至19时45分


William Santos
William Santos
William Santos is a dedicated animal lover, dog enthusiast, and a passionate blogger. With over a decade of experience working with dogs, he has honed his skills in dog training, behavior modification, and understanding the unique needs of different canine breeds. After adopting his first dog, Rocky, as a teenager, William's love for dogs grew exponentially, prompting him to study Animal Behavior and Psychology at a renowned university. His education, combined with hands-on experience, has equipped him with a deep understanding of the factors that shape a dog's behavior and the most effective ways to communicate and train them.William's blog about dogs serves as a platform for fellow pet owners and dog lovers to find valuable insights, tips, and advice on a range of topics, including training techniques, nutrition, grooming, and adopting rescue dogs. He is known for his practical and easy-to-understand approach, ensuring that his readers can implement his advice with confidence and achieve positive results.Aside from his blog, William regularly volunteers at local animal shelters, offering his expertise and love to neglected and abused dogs, helping them find forever homes. He firmly believes that every dog deserves a loving environment and works tirelessly to educate pet owners about responsible ownership.As an avid traveler, William enjoys exploring new destinationswith his four-legged companions, documenting his experiences and creating city guides tailored specifically for dog-friendly adventures. He strives to empower fellow dog owners to enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle alongside their furry friends, without compromising on the joys of traveling or everyday activities.With his exceptional writing skills and an unwavering dedication to the welfare of dogs, William Santos has become a trusted source for dog owners seeking expert guidance, making a positive impact in the lives of countless canines and their families.