
William Santos

A 犬牙交错 这听起来可能是一个奇怪的词,但它有一个超越可爱的含义!提示:它与狗的宇宙有关,与历史有关,并涉及很多爱。




芝诺 在希腊语中对应的是狗这个词,而 附属机构 菲利亚 换句话说,对狗的热爱是对该物种及其品种的研究,以及对以改进为目的的养狗的称呼。

ǞǞǞ 犬牙交错的人 - 那些实行恋狗癖的人--他们可能是专业人士,或者只是把饲养和研究品种作为一种爱好。 毕竟,对这些人来说,人类最好的朋友远远超过了宠物的范畴

See_also: 猫能吃鸡蛋吗? 在这里了解所有情况



在家里的沙发上有一个有保障的位置之前,狗是一个 服务性动物 用于狩猎、守卫、放牧以及其他功能,它们的主人开始让它们杂交,以培养出越来越熟练和合适的动物。

最早的记录是在19世纪,当时已经有几个品种的狗和许多狗的爱好者。 这门学科是 负责记录 在形态和行为特征方面的研究,从而正式形成了现在在全世界都很有魅力的品种。




犬科动物已成为研究狗的一个重要领域,并产生了许多与品种开发和动物护理有关的信息。 此外,还包括 犬舍俱乐部 负责的是 纯种狗的血统登记 .

犬类学者也开始研究性情、疾病和一切涉及犬类朋友繁殖的问题。 犬类爱好者在世界各地加入了各种协会并成立了俱乐部。 其中最重要的是::

  • 美国养犬俱乐部(AKC);
  • 犬舍俱乐部;
  • 联合犬舍俱乐部;
  • 国际犬业联合会(FCI);
  • 葡萄牙养犬俱乐部(CPC);
  • 巴西电影联合会(CBKC)。

比赛俱乐部,或 犬舍俱乐部、 负责组织活动、登记繁殖者并颁发血统证书,这是一份证明狗的祖先的文件。



尽管在欧洲兴起,但巴西的犬科动物并没有留下什么遗憾。 这是因为巴西犬科动物联合会所做的工作远不止发行Pedigree。 CBKC监督品种,组织比赛,进行研究,以及更多的工作

See_also: 窒息的小狗:该怎么办?

在巴西,仍然有Associação Cinológica do Brasil(ACB)和Sociedade Brasileira de Cinofilia(Sobraci)。 还有遍布全国各地的品种俱乐部。


William Santos
William Santos
William Santos is a dedicated animal lover, dog enthusiast, and a passionate blogger. With over a decade of experience working with dogs, he has honed his skills in dog training, behavior modification, and understanding the unique needs of different canine breeds. After adopting his first dog, Rocky, as a teenager, William's love for dogs grew exponentially, prompting him to study Animal Behavior and Psychology at a renowned university. His education, combined with hands-on experience, has equipped him with a deep understanding of the factors that shape a dog's behavior and the most effective ways to communicate and train them.William's blog about dogs serves as a platform for fellow pet owners and dog lovers to find valuable insights, tips, and advice on a range of topics, including training techniques, nutrition, grooming, and adopting rescue dogs. He is known for his practical and easy-to-understand approach, ensuring that his readers can implement his advice with confidence and achieve positive results.Aside from his blog, William regularly volunteers at local animal shelters, offering his expertise and love to neglected and abused dogs, helping them find forever homes. He firmly believes that every dog deserves a loving environment and works tirelessly to educate pet owners about responsible ownership.As an avid traveler, William enjoys exploring new destinationswith his four-legged companions, documenting his experiences and creating city guides tailored specifically for dog-friendly adventures. He strives to empower fellow dog owners to enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle alongside their furry friends, without compromising on the joys of traveling or everyday activities.With his exceptional writing skills and an unwavering dedication to the welfare of dogs, William Santos has become a trusted source for dog owners seeking expert guidance, making a positive impact in the lives of countless canines and their families.