来Cobasi Maracanaú,可享受10%的折扣

来Cobasi Maracanaú,可享受10%的折扣
William Santos

你知道吗,现在为你的宠物寻找宠物食品、玩具和配件变得更容易了。 没错!我们刚刚开放了 Cobasi Maracanaú、 它位于市中心的Rua João de Alencar, 113号,离你很近!

为了庆祝在我们的商店的到来 马拉卡纳乌 我们为所有来访者准备了一份特别的礼物。 在狗、猫、其他宠物、家庭、园艺和游泳池等部门购物,可享受10%的折扣。 只要出示优惠券即可。 (*) 下面。

(*) 该优惠券的有效期至2022年11月5日,并可在本店独家使用。 Cobasi Maracanaú、 在市中心的Rua João de Alencar, 113号。

See_also: 治疗狗疥疮的家庭疗法:自然方法是否有效?

关于Cobasi Maracanaú

随着 马拉卡努的科巴西、 现在带你的宠物去散步更容易、更实用、更安全!我们有一个大型的沙龙,充满了狗、猫、鸟、啮齿动物和其他动物的独家产品。 更不用说还有一个专门为水族爱好者准备的区域。

你对园艺充满热情吗? 那你就来对地方了!在Cobasi的商店里,在市中心的 Maracanaú、 您可以自由支配植物、花卉、幼苗、基质和所有必要的物品,在家里创造一个美丽的花园。 与我们的合作者交谈。 他们是这方面的专家。

谁来参观我们的商店,享受优惠的价格,为所有的宠物和热爱动物的员工提供各种各样的礼物。 我们的单位是为了给监护人和他们的宠物提供一个愉快的旅程。

让您的采购具有所有的实用性 我们为水族馆爱好者提供多种选择 满足我们商店的鸟类和啮齿类动物的部门 需要为您的宠物提供药品吗? Cobasi有。


你能想象在同一个地方找到你的狗最喜欢的食物,同时还有一个专门用于洗澡、美容和兽医咨询的空间吗? 在 钴质 与SPet的合作提供了你的宠物应得的洗澡和美容服务。 看看吧。

你需要带你的宠物去打疫苗或咨询吗? 在SPet da 科巴西-马拉卡努 我们有一个兽医团队供您使用,请来见见他们吧!


地址:Rua João de Alencar, 113 - Centro, Maracanaú - CE, 61900150

See_also: 鹦鹉能吃菠萝吗? 了解更多关于鸟类饮食的信息!

商店营业时间:周一至周六 - 08h00至21h45

星期日和假日 - 09h00至19h45


来Cobasi Maracanaú,可以得到10%的折扣!你的宠物需要的一切,以保持它的快乐和健康。


William Santos
William Santos
William Santos is a dedicated animal lover, dog enthusiast, and a passionate blogger. With over a decade of experience working with dogs, he has honed his skills in dog training, behavior modification, and understanding the unique needs of different canine breeds. After adopting his first dog, Rocky, as a teenager, William's love for dogs grew exponentially, prompting him to study Animal Behavior and Psychology at a renowned university. His education, combined with hands-on experience, has equipped him with a deep understanding of the factors that shape a dog's behavior and the most effective ways to communicate and train them.William's blog about dogs serves as a platform for fellow pet owners and dog lovers to find valuable insights, tips, and advice on a range of topics, including training techniques, nutrition, grooming, and adopting rescue dogs. He is known for his practical and easy-to-understand approach, ensuring that his readers can implement his advice with confidence and achieve positive results.Aside from his blog, William regularly volunteers at local animal shelters, offering his expertise and love to neglected and abused dogs, helping them find forever homes. He firmly believes that every dog deserves a loving environment and works tirelessly to educate pet owners about responsible ownership.As an avid traveler, William enjoys exploring new destinationswith his four-legged companions, documenting his experiences and creating city guides tailored specifically for dog-friendly adventures. He strives to empower fellow dog owners to enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle alongside their furry friends, without compromising on the joys of traveling or everyday activities.With his exceptional writing skills and an unwavering dedication to the welfare of dogs, William Santos has become a trusted source for dog owners seeking expert guidance, making a positive impact in the lives of countless canines and their families.